Develop and setup totally responsive wordpress website
1.What you deliver with this Hourlie
We can easily create and setup wordpress website according your requirement.
Delivery within 5 working days.
What is responsive website:
A website which automatically adjust its resolution according to mobile or device's screen.
This is a Content Management System will allow you to add/edit your own pages, images ,videos and blog posts, and also you can change your logo. This hourlie contain: AboutUs page, ContactUs page, Attractive Homepage and Image slider.
2.Get more with Hourlie Add-ons
We can also develop simple plugin related to website additional 2 working days and +$158 Also we can deliver all work in 1 working day and +$131
3.What do you need from the Buyer to get started?
An explanation of your defination.
what you would like, colours ,images,some content of your websites,If you would like to use your purchased theme so require that theme,else description of what type of theme you want.
Subtitle changes usually only require a brief explanation ,but if We need anything else from you rest assured We will ask you. Please note this hourly can run over and hour (or the time specified), the hour is just a general idea. So don't be afraid if you have a few changes.we can discuss on it.